Annemarie Keller, MD, wrote this review about Healing: Miracles, Mysteries and John of God.
It seems humanly impossible to resist the allure of this beautiful, raw and honest film. The more you watch it, the more your fascination and understanding of the subject matter grows. The film fully reflects the spirit of the healing place Casa de Dom Inácio, in Abadiânia, Brazil. It inspires awakening and healing for the viewers and allows them to be touched by truth, goodness and healing. This film should become a guiding light in the way Ignácio de Loyola's birthplace has been for decades. I'm certain it has the power to touch many lives.
HEALING is a well rounded insight to the Casa and the work of John of God. It starts and ends with reflections on the life of Ignácio de Loyola who, as a warlord, was embraced with the spirit of God and put his whole life at the service of mankind. He abandoned his earthly possessions and laid down his sword upon the Altar of God, as a sign to end his life as nobleman and warrior. He chose instead to walk the path of a noble warrior of God and help people to follow God - healing bodies and souls along the way. Ignácio de Loyola is the patron saint of the healing place in Brazil, where extraordinary medium João de Deus and his earthly helpers do their astonishing work.
May everyone who is viewing this film be enlightened and join those wanting to live in the spirit of God, by the belief: "Love God above all, and your neighbor as yourself."
– Dr. med. Annemarie Keller
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